
What is 4D Facelift procedure all about?

This treatment uses Erbium:YAG and the Nd:YAG. This 4-step procedure treats skin both internally and externally.

Step 1 – Smooth liftin™
Treatment of the mucosa tissue (muscle inside the mouth) using the Er:YAG laser in a non-ablative mode for effective tightening of the cheeks, diminishing of the nasolabial fold (grooves around the sides of the nose), reduction of perioral wrinkles (lines around the mouth) and lifting of the labial commissure (edge of the mouth).

Step 2 – FRAC3
The cheek and jaw area is treated using the Nd:YAG laser where controlled micro columns of skin is subjected to ‘thermal injury’ while the surrounding areas are left untouched. This ‘injury’ triggers the skin’s natural repair mechanism to produce new healthy collagen and form elastic fibers. The untoched skin around the micro columns allows for faster healing and less complications.

Deeper layers of thick dermal tissue is treated using the Nd:YAG laser in PIANO mode ( super long pulse duration that extends to the seconds). The PIANO mode allows for energy to be delivered deep into the dermal layers of the skin while sparing the epidermis (upper layer of the skin) from unnecessary thermal damage. The resultant homogeneous bulk heating that occurs within the dermal layer triggers neocollagenesis to firm, tighten, and lift skin.

The treatment is completed with an Erbium peel to clear away the superficial imperfections on the surface of the skin.

What the treatment involves:

The 4D Facelift procedure can be performed with minimal discomfort. You will be provided with a mouth wash for rinsing in preparation for the treatment of the oral mucosa tissue. The treatment itself takes between 20 to 30 minutes. Some prickling and heat sensation may be felt during the treatment process.

After the treatment:

There is no downtime following this procedure for those who choose to skip the 4th step which is the ‘Ultra-Light Peel’.

Only a small handful of those that opt for the ‘Ultra-Light Peel’ will experience mild redness for several hours following the procedure. Small, pixilated scabs which are invisible to the naked eye but feels rough to the touch will form on the surface of the skin. These micro scabs will slowly drop off within a week. Please do not pick at the scabs; allow the scabs to fall off naturally.

For the first 24 hours after your treatment, cleanse face with a gentle cleanser. Avoid using abrasive skin products (scrubs, AHA, BHA) for 1 week if you had an Ultra-Light Peel. Moisturiser and sunscreen are highly recommended for at least the first 3 months. Light makeup can be worn within a day of the procedure.

* In this clinic, we carry Fotona 4D SP Dynamis sytem. Individual results may vary.

For more information, visit our Singapore Aesthetic Centre (SAC) – YouTube


4D Face lift price starts from $810 per session (purchase package)
*Price quoted include GST and is subjected to change without prior notice

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