Dark eye circles or shadows can contribute to a tired looking appearance.

Causes of under-eye discolouration include age and pigmentary issues. As we age, the skin around the eye thins, exposing the tiny blood vessels that lie just below. And unfortunately, having excess pigment is common among people of Asian descent.

Sometimes, what is perceived as under-eye discoloration or dark eye circles is in fact because of changes in the colour of the skin. Instead, it could be due to a loss of volume in the area around the eye. This causes the orbital bone to be exposed which in turn creates a hollow trough that shows up as a dark circle.

If concealers are no longer able to do the job of hiding the dark circles, treatments with IPL (intense pulse light)Q-Switch Laser, or FOTONA Laser can help to lighten the pigmentation around the eye area. Medical grade skin lightening creams can also be used in conjunction with in-clinic treatment to help lighted the pigments.

For cases where the perceived dark-eye circle is caused by volume loss, hyaluronic acid fillers can be injected under the eye area to replenish volume.

*Individual results may vary

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